Event Steward Harpers_EventSteward@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
TH Herrin Solveig Bjarnardottir
Deputy Stewards
Magnifica Tessa Martini d’Agostino
Lady Fealynn of Malagentia
Reservations Exchequer@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Lady Cezilia Raposa (Cheryl Kent)
35 Merry Hill Rd
Barrington, NH 03825
Make checks payable to: SCA NH Inc. Barony of Stonemarche
Cabin Coordinator Harpers_Cabins@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Magnificia Tessa Martini d’Agostino
Merchant Coordinator Harpers_Merchants@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Lady Fealynn of Malagentia
Class Coordinators Harpers_Classes@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Faelynn of Malagentia
Lady Caitriona Ni’Siodhachain
A&S Coordinator
Mistress Amalie von Hohensee moas@eastkingdom.org
Bardic Coordinator
TH Herrin Solveig Bjarnardottir 221812@members.eastkingdom.org
Gold Key (Loaner Garb)
Lady Ælfthryth the Cat 109438@members.eastkingdom.org
Kitchen Coordinator
Lady Ceara inghean Eoin Trekatz@yahoo.com
Archery MIC coa@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Lady Julian Ridley
Fencing MIC fencingmarshal@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Lady Nuala MacKensie
Heavy List MIC knightmarshal@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Lord Marcus Atilius Pansa
Thrown Weapons MIC
Lord Arpadfid Vidor 236437@members.eastkingdom.org
Youth Fighting
Mistress Karrah the Mischievous 98255@members.eastkingdom.com
Youth Coordinator chancellor_minor@stonemarche.eastkingdom.org
Theo Ciccarelli