
Baron Keziah Planchet
Baroness Deirdre Planchet
The Baron and Baroness are the ceremonial leaders of the Barony, and rule in the name of the Crown. They are responsible for bestowing Baronial awards, titles, and positions of honor.
This position is required by Kingdom law.
Note: while most business should go to both the Baron and Baroness, each may also be contacted independently:

Richard le Hauke
Reserve Deputy: None
The Seneschal is the Local Chapter President for the Society, and is responsible for the administration of the Barony.

Granite Pursuivant
Arpadfin Vidor
The Granite Pursuivant is responsible for field, court, and armorial heraldry within the Barony.

Knight Marshal
Marcus Atillus Pansa
The Knight Marshal is responsible for the safe practice of armored combat within the Barony.

Cezilia Raposa
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is responsible for the Barony’s finances.

Gabrielle of Stonemarche
The Chronicler is responsible for Barony newsletters.

Minister of Arts and Sciences
Caitríona inghean Uí Shíodhachaín
The Minister of Arts and Sciences is responsible for a fostering a variety of crafts, skills, and practices within the Barony.

Solveig Bjarnardottir
The Chatelaine is responsible for guiding and encouraging newcomers to the Society.

Captain of Archers
Julian Ridley
The Captain of Archers is responsible for the safe practice of Archery within the Barony.

Captain of Fence
Nuala MacKensie
The Captain of Fence is responsible for the safe practice of Rapier combat within the Barony.

Captain of Thrown Weapons
Ronan O’Faelan
The Captain of Thrown Weapons is responsible for the safe practice of weapon throwing within the Barony.

Ciarnait ni’Bhroin
The Chamberlain is responsible for Baronial property.

Chancellor Minor
Theo of Carolingia
The Chancellor Minor is responsible for youth activities within the Barony.

Gold Key
Ælfthryth the Cat
The Minister of the Gold Key is responsible for fitting newcomers to the Society in proper attire.

Web Minister
Daoud al-Bodmani
Deputy: Solveig Bjarnardottir
The Web Minister is responsible for maintenance of the web site, maintaining the officer email system, and other pursuits of the Ethereal Realm.

Baron’s Champion of Arms
Marcus Atillius Pansa
Baronessa’s Champion of Arms
Leo Dracosson

Baron’s Champion of Fence
Johannes von Hagen
Baronessa’s Champion of Fence
Miles Kergen

Baroness’s Champion of Archery
Leoric of House MacWard
Baron’s Champion of Archery
Ikeda Yasu

Baron’s Champion of Thrown Weapons
Kythe Szubielka

Baronial Champion of Arts & Sciences
Lord of the Dance: Ruadh Cruidh MacFrode
Signet Clerk: Harold von Auerbach and Cassendra Hobbes
Baronial Bard: Astridr Saegersdottir
Youth Bardic: Nausicaä