Martial Activates


Teaching and limited loaner gear will be available on Saturday after the tournament has finished and on Sunday for those who wish to learn. Children who wish to learn must be old enough to follow basic instructions and have a parent present. 

Royal Rounds may be available except during the tournament.

Range times:

Friday –         TBD – BYOM (Bring Your Own Marshal) Some targets may be available for practice

Saturday – 9am-5pm

Sunday – 10-11:30 –  Royal Rounds


Baronial Champions:

9-10am –  Range will open for warmups and equipment inspection. 

Tourney Style TBD

10-noon –  Preliminary: 

1-3pm – Finals

Baron’s Champion of Archery –

Baronessa’s Champion of Archery – 



Return of the Northern Region Fencing Championship!

9:30-10am – Armor inspection 

10-Noon Tournament

Good gentles, a challenge will be held to determine the next Northern Region Rapier Champion of the East! Format will be Round Robin with rotating weapon forms – each pass, every fencer must choose a weapon form different from the last two they have selected, with the exception of single sword which may be used any number of times. The number of passes per pairing is to be determined by the marshal in charge, informed by tournament attendance. The two highest scoring fencers at the end of the round robin will reset their form selections and engage in five passes, rotating weapon forms under the same rules between each. The champion will be the fencer with the most points within those five passes, provided their comportment rules them fit for the title. It bears repeating that courtesy and comportment are first and foremost the markings of a champion, and should remain a priority second only to safety while taking the field. 

Rules: Fencers will be allotted one point per victory, and zero points per defeat. Double kills will be refought once, if there is a second double kill neither party will score for the pass. If a bout ends in a draw, each combatant will be awarded half a point. There will be no death from behind. Knee walking is legal. Rubber band guns are for use as rigid parry only, and must be unloaded. Spears are only permitted with the enthusiastic consent of both combatants. Cut & Thrust combat is permitted only with the enthusiastic consent of two properly-armored combatants. Attending excellencies of the Northern Region and any who they bestow the privilege upon have fiat power to select any combatant’s (authorized) weapon form as they see fit.

If you are an EK Authorized Fencing Fighter please feel free to try your hand to become our new Northern Region Fencing Champion! Prize of Baldric, tittle to put on your wiki and a feather in your cap to show you are a proud member of a distinct lineage



Baronial Champions will be held at another event

Heavy List


PAL – 

9:30-10am Armor Inspection 

10-noon Training TBD

1:30-3pm 5v5 Melee Tourney – Put what was practiced earlier into use! Join a 5v5 round Robin double elimination tournament. Teams are limited to 1 Chiv and 2-3 OTC per team.  We are working on a 1st place prize. Inspections for anyone not inspected before the class will begin 30 minutes before the tournament.


Baronial Champions:

9:30-10am   Armor Inspection 

10-11:30am Tourney Style TBD

Baron’s Champion of Arms –  

Baronessa’s Champion of Arms –  

Thrown Weapons

We will have some loaner weapons.  Instruction will depend on available marshals and range space.  Throwers under 12 must have a parent or guardian with them at the range.  Youth 12-17 can have a parent or legally responsible adult come to the range with them, review the rules and sign paperwork to allow the youth to throw without adult supervision.

Range times:


9:30 – 4:00 Royal rounds will be available as long as numbers in the range allow it.

Baronial Champions will take place at another event

Youth Fighting


TBD – List Field

Some loaner gear may be available. Please ask the marshal for help.

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