Site Rules & FAQ

ADULT BEVERAGES: Alcohol is allowed in the feast hall and at the official bardic circle. Please keep alcohol to period containers outside of your camp. This is a children’s camp, please be responsible with your non-period containers. The drinking age in NH is 21. Underage drinking will not be tolerated. You are responsible for your own actions. Actions which pose a danger to yourself or others may result in expulsion from the event without refund.

COVID: Masks are currently not required. Please practice social distancing whenever possible and be considerate of others. 

CHILDREN: This is a large partially wooded site on a lake. We ask that children under 5 are with a responsible adult at all times. Children between 5 and 12 should be within sight and hearing distance of a responsible adult. Parents/guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children. Continuous non-compliance can result in expulsion from the site without refund.

Minors may attend the event with an adult who is not their parent/legal guardian provided that the proper paperwork is provided. A notarized medical release and minor waiver must be signed by the parents/legal guardian and brought to site with the child.

FIRE PITS: Camp Takodah has several large firepits available for our use. Wood will be stacked near each pit. Please do not bring firewood into site. Portable fire pits for gathering around and socializing are not allowed. Grills and cooking fires are allowed. Please feel free to use dead wood and pinecones for fire starting in the fire pits.

Feast: We will be having a Feast on Saturday night in the feast hall. Join us as we gather together to enjoy a meal together and toast the days events. Seating will be limited so Pre-Reg is required. A table signup sheet will be posted around noon on Saturday.

Coffee, Tea and hot water are available to all in the feast hall.

PETS: are NOT allowed on site. Service animals will be allowed provided that they are leashed or under proper control at all times, are well trained, and the owner picks up after them. It is the prerogative of the site or event staff to ask that the animal be removed if they become a nuisance.

POTABLE WATER: There is potable water available at all bath houses and the dining hall. In addition water coolers will be provided at all martial locations and near the classrooms during the day. 

QUIET HOURS: Between 10pm and 7am. Activity can still continue but be aware that there are other families and young children living on site and there are residents across the lake.

SITE TOKENS: Site tokens need to be visible at all times. Feast tokens are part of your site token.

SMOKING: Whenever possible Camp Takodah encourages a NON SMOKING environment due the risk of fire on the property. The use of Tobacco is limited to restricted areas. There will be containers for the disposal of your butts. Smoking in any other area around camp is not permitted.

SWIMMING: Lifeguards will be on duty Saturday afternoon. Access to the waterfront is only permitted in the presence of a Takodah lifeguard.

TOILETS/SHOWERS/ RUNNING WATER: There are 3 bath houses on site, labeled “Twins”. There are trough sinks in each bath house which can be used for cleaning dishes. Please clean it out when you are finished and remove any derbies to prevent clogging the drains. You will need your own cleaning agents and sponges. Please be considerate of others when using the hot water. In addition to the toilets available in the bath houses, there are also toilets in the feast hall and near the merchants/picnic area.

TRAFFIC, PARKING AND OFF LOADING: When arriving at site, please park in the “visitor parking” lot in front of gate to troll in. Please refrain from driving on the grass. The road around camp is one way, please drive slowly in camp and watch for pedestrians. After unloading your vehicle, please move it to the designated parking area. Vehicles should not be left at your cabin or tent site. Please keep your parking pass in the front window.

TRASH: This is a CARRY-IN CARRY-OUT event! Please, remember to bring garbage bags to take home trash and recycling. If you stay in a cabin, please sweep it out before you leave. There is a broom and dustpan in each cabin.

WEATHER: In the event of severe weather, a Camp Takodah staff member will lead you in their severe weather procedures. The designated storm shelter is the dining hall.

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